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Maps and PPCL Boundaries
Park Place is a historic neighborhood in the western half of Norfolk, Virginia. The Park Place Civic League boundaries are Granby Street on the east, Colley Avenue on the west, 23rd Street on the south and up to (and including the southern half of) 38th Street to the north. The Park Place Civic League neighborhood, colloquially referred to as Park Place in the modern era includes four historic subdivisions; Old Dominion Place established in 1890, Park Place in 1896, Kensington in1898, and Virginia Place in 1899.

PPCL Historic Subdivisions Color Key:
Old Dominion Place 1890 (Blue), Park Place 1896 (Red), Kensington 1898(Green), & Virginia Place 1899 (Purple)
PPCL Civic League Subdivisions Color Key:
Old Dominion Place (Purple), Park Place (Red), Kensington (Green), & Virginia Place (Blue).
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