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Vision and Engagement Plan Refresh Letter to Councilmembers 
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Letter to councilmembers requesting city support:

The Park Place Civic League is requesting your support of city funding for the Park Place Visioning and Engagement Process (VEP) “Refresh.”

Through a special collaboration between our neighborhood and our Ward 2 and 7 representatives, Park Place received city funding support to engage a consultant team to develop in partnership with residents a “health neighborhood” strategy. The VEP Strategy starting in 2009 resulted in significant advancement for Park Place.


There is indeed a growing mix of long-time residents, new residents (since the VEP), and businesses – neighbors – working together to manage Park Place on a day-to-day basis toward successful outcomes where it makes sense to invest their time, energy, and financial resources at or above the market.

We strongly believe an update to the strategy will result in continued growth, development, and health for Park Place while strengthening further our neighbor-to-neighbor ownership of our community. The Broad Creek Refresh demonstrates the value proposition of updating neighborhood plans and strategies to current conditions.

We recommend you request at least $200,000 in support of the VEP “Refresh,” and we request the opportunity to co-develop language for an RFP as well as participate on the consultant selection team as was done successfully with the original RFP. Our goal is to start the “Refresh” process July 1, 2023.

Thank you for your continued support of Park Place as a diverse, healthy neighborhood of choice.

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